Caring for your body as the home of your soul.
Attending to self care as soul care is a devotion to your purpose for being here in the world…
… to explore, experience, influence, connect, create.
To live in the privilege and miracle of being in a body with loving attention, kindness, and curiosity is the highest form of self care - a way of being, rather than more things to do.
Self care as soul care remembers that there are no wrong ways to do it, no judgements, no one-size-fits-all algorithms; that we remember our bodies as the vessels of soul expression, and can find joy and wisdom in all of our experiences - allowing for a more authentic and unhindered transmission of our deeper purpose.

I’m Gina Loree Bryan.
Helping my fellow humans embody grace is my life’s work.
That self care should support a more enjoyable experience in your body is a given.
Soulful self-care cultivates a real life lived in alignment with your soul and the soul of the world; not compartmentalized, fragmented, or itemized into a to-do list.
As so many people have a lot of baggage and conflicting messaging around self-care, a big part of my work is to help you discern the differences between the voice of culture and the language of your body - so you can meet your self and your needs from a place of trust and authenticity, relevance and effectiveness.
I’ve dedicated nearly 20 years supporting my clients, students and readers in expanding their view of self-care to include whichever unique point they are in their lives, and in relationship with this transformational moment in human history.

“The body is the angel who expresses and minds the soul; we should always pay loving attention to our bodies.”
~ John O’Donohue, “Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom”
~ online and in person ~
Classes & Courses
Join me for movement and meditation practices which incorporate sense & inquiry, practice and validation.
Opportunities are available in the Chester County, East Lancaster County, PA area and online.

~ one-on-one ~
Movement -Wise
A personalized movement plan that fits your body, your life, your soul purpose.
The movement of your body is necessary for health.
It is also the the language of your body and how you convey your soul’s purpose into the world.
More than an exercise program, Movement-Wise helps you identify your movement ‘why’: what you want to be able to do with your body now and in the future - while taking into account ALL the areas of your life, to expand your ranges of motion, expression, possibilities, and meaning.
~ In Chester County, PA ~
Shiatsu Bodywork
Shiatsu (pronounced: ‘shee - ah - tzoo’) is a Japanese word that literally means, ‘finger pressure’.
Its origins are rooted deeply in Asian culture and the perception that all physical manifestations are seen as appearances representing an ever changing flow of energetic forces.
While this may seem a bit ‘unscientific’ to our modern western minds, most of us have some awareness of how thoughts and emotions can become solidified in our bodies as postures and life expressions.

~ members area ~
The Garden
A special monthly membership area to help you deeply cultivate your soulful self-care practices!
This growing library will include:
Big and micro-movement practices;
Embodied meditations;
Recordings of ‘Drop-In’ classes;
Seasonal movement/meditation practices;
Live and self-paced immersion opportunities;
Private Facebook group;
More as it develops…

Soul care is an ongoing exploration, and I do a lot of exploring through my writing.
Periodically, I send out ‘gracenotes’ - missives that delve into the soul-ful relationships we embody as human beings: with our selves, each other, nature, technology, god.
I invite you to share in my resources, engage in conversations, challenge paradigms, and affirm your humanity.
♥️ “Gina’s missives are not to be missed!”
~ Corrine B.
♥️ “Your writing frequently moves me to tears, dear Gina, tears of delight, tears of sorrow, and they all spring out of and water this ground of humanness.”
~ Carol V.
♥️ “I love how you leaven your teachings with humor, Gina!”
~ Hilda K.