Classes & Courses

In person and online opportunites

Movement is so much more than ‘exercise’.

Movement is how our various systems are supported: circulatory, lymphatic, musculo-skeletal, nervous, proprioceptive, energetic.

Movement is how we engage with with all of our relationships: social, environmental, spiritual, self.

Movement is the primary form of expression of this beautiful soul container we call the body.

We can heal all these relationships through movement, and be healed by movement.

But don’t just take my word for it … you have to move yourself to believe it.

~ online (unless otherwise noted) ~

Drop In Classes

Monthly-ish deeper dives into movement as self-care, spiritual practice and overall life betterment!JDrop-In’s are an hour and include discussion, inquiry, and sharing.

Unless otherwise noted, these classes will take place live via Zoom.

Recordings will be available to those who register for 14 days after the class.

They will also be available in ‘The Garden’ - the embodygrace membership site.

Dō-In: Exercise for Physical & Energetic Development

Dō-In (doh-een) is a practice of self-care that ‘intuitively’ originated in the East, and is designed primarily to improve, maintain and develop our physical health, beauty, mental soundness, and spiritual happiness.

In this hour, we will work with a ‘General’ set of exercises that involve self-massage and breathing techniques that utilize the meridians to activate the flow of electromagnetic current and energy throughout the various parts of the body and the organs.

No special abilities required!

SEPT 18, 2024 | 12:00 PM EDT | $18

~ In the Chester / East Lancaster County, Pennsylvania area ~

Dynamically Aging

60 minutes of gentle yet powerful movement for mobilizing the joints, with attention to promoting balance, coordination and gentle strengthening.

Movements will be done standing and sitting (either on the floor or in a chair), and appropriate for most ages and physical abilities.

Wednesdays, 8:30 - 9:30 am

2099 Main St Narvon PA 17555

$18/per class - 4-class package: $65

Nourish Your Joints

30 minutes of movement and breathwork for the joints: neck, shoulders, spine and hips.

All moves are done standing and appropriate for most ages, physical abilities and those with joint replacements (though, please check with your health care provider.)

Space is VERY limited.

Thursdays, 11:00 - 11:30 pm

329 Gordon Drive Exton PA 17555

$15/per class - 4-class package: $51

Gina has made me aware of balance deficits I did not realize I had, like being able to stand on one foot and swing the other leg gently.

I am much more cognizant of posture and how it affects walking, sitting, and standing.

My personal trainer is very impressed with how Gina is working with us. It adds another dimension to strength training, which has been great for me.”

- Luci B., participant of ‘Dynamically Aging’

~ online | self-paced ~

Courses & Guides

Tiny Grief Course

Whether in the throes of personal loss or collective grief …… the ability to breathe is essential for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.


The Embodiment Primer

This course offer three practices using intentional posture, embodied breath and proprioceptive movement to help you explore and integrate the communication between your body and your mind.


mason jar with sunflowers on white background