Thoughts, discoveries and how-to’s about shiatsu, movement, and life as an embodied soul
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What’s MY perfect movement plan?
As 2025 opens, we’re talking movement plans as life plans, and here’s a glimpse into what designing a soulful movement life plan looks like for me.
Intergenerational Gifts
For us pre-tech folk, what do we have to offer a generation that’s never known life without computers? And, is this quietly affecting our own sense of worth and place in a society that values tech-savvy capabilities?
Moving with attention to balance
We tend to only start thinking seriously about balance once we begin to lose it. Here are a few things to consider regarding your exercise and daily activities that can prevent balance issues before they manifest.
What exactly goes on during a shiatsu session?
People who’ve never tried a shiatsu session with me are probably curious about what I do (as well as those who have worked with me for years!) Here’s an attempt to explain.
Care and feeding of an injury
In this post, I expand a bit on how to care for minor injuries - based on my own experience, beyond the application of RICE.
The movements lives are made of * (part 2)
Continuing the discussion of movement that is relevant to your unique life, here are four movement ‘food groups’ to explore.
The movements lives are made of…* (part 1)
Of all the many great and wonderful exercise regimens we have to choose from, how do you determine which is right for YOU and YOUR life?
Moving toward a squat
You may be a pro squatter, or haven't touched one in years.
In either case, this movement you do a hundred times a day can be improved in such a ways as to save your knees, strengthen your hips and maintain balance well into your elder years.
What your gut is saying…
Some folks feel self-conscious when their tummies begin to rumble during a session. But here’s why that’s a Very Good Thing.
Put your hips into it
Aligning your hips (or more specifically, your hara) with whatever you’re doing can make a lot of things in your life easier!
18 Ways Shiatsu Can Rock Your World
A list of my own reasons of why shiatsu is so awesome. :)
Some of these benefits are common to most forms of touch therapy - others are unique to shiatsu.
What’s the best self-care investment?
‘Tis the season when thoughts turn to gifting ourselves or others with better health. Here are some tips on getting the most bang for your buck.
Shiatsu: Mat or table?
Shiatsu clients are given a choice between a massage table or a mat on the floor for their sessions. Here are a few tips for how to decide which is best for you.
How it all began…
An ‘origin’ story to commemorate the serendipitous nature of the beginnings of embodygrace.
Grace in transition
The human act of walking is a beautiful orchestration of parts, alignment and gravity. But, which parts get out of ‘tune’, and what can be done?
Is foot pad loss a thing?
Painful feet as we get older are often attributed to loss of the fatty pads on the soles. But, is that true, and, if so, can it be prevented?
Self care? Yeah, right…
What’s the hang up many of us seem to have with this whole self-care thing? Is it us? Or, is it our unexamined notions around it?
Seeds and Mirrors
What's all the fuss about embodiment, and why is being aware of yourself all the time somehow NOT a selfish indulgence, and how can this possibly have any bearing on my Monday morning?
The beginning of a lifelong romance
Self-love is not always selfish; self-care is not always self-love; and a few practices to help you be a little kinder to your dear self.
Concerning Love
In this guest post, ‘Brian Williams’ broaches the topic of l-o-v-e:
“Popular entertainment has been preaching for years that ‘all you need is love’…
…. But what is it exactly that we are pursuing?”