Thoughts, discoveries and how-to’s about shiatsu, movement, and life as an embodied soul
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What exactly goes on during a shiatsu session?
People who’ve never tried a shiatsu session with me are probably curious about what I do (as well as those who have worked with me for years!) Here’s an attempt to explain.
What your gut is saying…
Some folks feel self-conscious when their tummies begin to rumble during a session. But here’s why that’s a Very Good Thing.
18 Ways Shiatsu Can Rock Your World
A list of my own reasons of why shiatsu is so awesome. :)
Some of these benefits are common to most forms of touch therapy - others are unique to shiatsu.
But, were you really relaxed?
In a time where we are encouraged to look to the experts, let’s not forget how to consult and trust our own inner knowing.