Thoughts, discoveries and how-to’s about shiatsu, movement, and life as an embodied soul
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Moving with attention to balance
We tend to only start thinking seriously about balance once we begin to lose it. Here are a few things to consider regarding your exercise and daily activities that can prevent balance issues before they manifest.
Care and feeding of an injury
In this post, I expand a bit on how to care for minor injuries - based on my own experience, beyond the application of RICE.
The movements lives are made of * (part 2)
Continuing the discussion of movement that is relevant to your unique life, here are four movement ‘food groups’ to explore.
The movements lives are made of…* (part 1)
Of all the many great and wonderful exercise regimens we have to choose from, how do you determine which is right for YOU and YOUR life?
Grace in transition
The human act of walking is a beautiful orchestration of parts, alignment and gravity. But, which parts get out of ‘tune’, and what can be done?
Is foot pad loss a thing?
Painful feet as we get older are often attributed to loss of the fatty pads on the soles. But, is that true, and, if so, can it be prevented?