Thoughts, discoveries and how-to’s about shiatsu, movement, and life as an embodied soul
My Blog
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Is foot pad loss a thing?
Painful feet as we get older are often attributed to loss of the fatty pads on the soles. But, is that true, and, if so, can it be prevented?
Self care? Yeah, right…
What’s the hang up many of us seem to have with this whole self-care thing? Is it us? Or, is it our unexamined notions around it?
If you desire healing…
Thoughts and queries inspired by the one of the most ‘googled’ phrases of 2021.
A big word I learned that can help your breathing
Coincidentally in keeping with the theme of Metal (Lungs and Large Intestine figuring prominently) - I attended a 90-minute live Zoom presentation this weekend about the diaphragm/abdomen relationship, and learned a cool word.
“I’m not a museum…!”
In the spirit of autumn and letting go, an audio post inspired by a statement from my husband.
No offense, Carole King, but..
When we’re feeling less than safe, we can turn to the stability just beneath our feet.
Unpacking the spine ~ (what’s in it for you?)
The spine is a structure of support, but can it also be a place of storage for emotions? Also, a movement video!
Willfulness and willingness
When is willpower helpful, and when is it too much ‘trying to push the river’?
Testing your metal
The meridians of the ‘Metal’ organs - Lungs and Large Intestine - travel mainly through the arms. Here is a practice that can help you feel and facilitate the smooth flow of Qi through these channels.
But, were you really relaxed?
In a time where we are encouraged to look to the experts, let’s not forget how to consult and trust our own inner knowing.
Breathe: a plea from your lungs
A natural protective response in these times would be to pull in and restrict the breath. Yet, breathing freely is the very thing we need for our well-being.
Alternative fuel sources (for winter)
How to sustain your energy through the holidays from sources other than food and drink…
Your feet are keeping secrets!
Your feet are a secret history of your movement patterns - but you can unlock the secrets, and… change history!
“My knee is crap.”
A commonly-echoed sentiment that reflects how we tend to blame our bodies for breaking down, rather than recognize the inappropriateness of the environments we have to move within.
How to move more…
My personal experiences with figuring out how to move my body more when pain and inertia are obstacles.